My Feet

MY FEET ©​    I so appreciate my feet! They have travelled miles and miles Over amazing and harsh terrains.   Through wet and dry, cold and heat.   In  all seasons my feet have lifted me up -  They have been my constant  backup.  Through injury:  cuts, thorns,...

The Seed of Gold

The Seed of Gold. ©   The ground was mould and miry soil, Choked by weed, briar and toil. But as the mystery of life unfolds, A being swathed in a virtuous light Into the sludge placed he a seed of gold.   By-and-by the seed was birthed With pains at first,...

My Song

​MY SONG.© On this winter morning I bask in my peaceful place.    Under the boughs of the grape tree Patterns of sun kiss my face.   Warmth, like oil, flows through my bones. Joyful am I! With You I am never alone. The whispers of leaves fill the atmosphere,     I...

Once Upon a Leaf

ONCE UPON A LEAF.©   How curious can I possibly be   To envision a day upon a leaf?  A Tom Thumb I would need to be! To hop and skip upon a frond - Yes! It is beyond belief!   As queen for a day in the city of green,  I would study the curling, twisting,...

Daes Eage

Daes Eage. © Daes Eage quietly unfurls its rays at dawn. Peace and elation, it brings to all. Even in distress, it makes one smile, No wonder! Its fame is far and wide.   Found in every jubilant colour, but blue. Symbolic of joy, not moods. It is spread far and...

A Frog’s Tale

​A FROG’S TALE.©Quaak … quaak … quaak …Quaak … quaak … quaak …Quaak … quaak … quaak …Repeat 30 – 50 XSILENCE.   (A female has appeared on the scene)QUAAAK…quaaak …QUAAAK…quaaak …QUAAAK…quaaak…Repeat 100 XSILENCE.The end. ...

The Tombstone

THE TOMBSTONE© ​I stumbled across a lonesome graveOn a hot, clammy day;Overspread with clutching weedAnd grass gone to seed.The neglected grave tore at my heart,And initiated speculation into the life and timesOf the occupant; an English lass,Who passed at the age of...

Bushveld Bliss.

BUSHVELD BLISS©A poem by Caroline StreetTraversing the winding, gravelly road, Wherever I gaze, just greyAcacia thorn and stick treesStunted from fires and drought, With intermittent splashes of green. Despite the hardship of the land, The flora thrives in the warm,...

The Quintessential Woman

THE QUINTESSENTIAL WOMAN©From the birth of Eve,Woman has been second to man. She is not significant in physical strength,But relevant in matters of the mind.No stone is unturned in her spiritual quest,Through which her zestAnd love of life is expressed. The...

Spirit of Nature

  SPIRIT OF NATURE © Hearkening to the divine council,Nature steadfastly maintainsA connection to the sacred principle.Through the seasons of scarcity and abundance,Its discipline results in glorious perfection In perfectly timed continuance. (But ask the animals, and...
A Frog’s Tale

A Frog’s Tale

​A FROG’S TALE.©Quaak … quaak … quaak …Quaak … quaak … quaak …Quaak … quaak … quaak …Repeat 30 – 50 XSILENCE.   (A female has appeared on the scene)QUAAAK…quaaak …QUAAAK…quaaak …QUAAAK…quaaak…Repeat...



INSPIRE.  May I elevate your spirit,If just for a minuteWith something unique?A flower or creature feature,A painted pic,A fragment of verse,And from time to timeA poem of mine. A thought-provoking...

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    Relax and Unwind

    A page dedicated to poetry, sit back, relax with a cup of tea and unwind with some poetry.